LifePreneur Tribe Philosophy
Every day we go through life as machines or as a flag that follows the wind and end up wondering is there more to life. Was I meant to function this way? How do I move from survival to significance? Is there more to this life? How can I impact myself and also impact others?
I created the LifePreneur Tribe to respond to these questions.
My purpose is to inspire 1,000,000 high impact individuals in the next fifteen years to make a difference (MAD) in their personal and professional lives to produce immediate, unprecedented, and lasting results. I aim to achieve this by supporting them to develop an authentic personal vision for life and go for it. This I call the LifePreneur Tribe!
Who are LifePreneurs?
The term LifePreneuer emanates from two popular words “life” and “entrepreneur”. Over the years I have been involved in nurturing and developing entrepreneurship and on that journey, a question emerged. What if we lived our lives like an enterprise where we consciously take care of each part of us that needs replenishing, replacement like old habits, etc.
LifePreneurs, therefore, are people who deliberately work to create outstanding personal and/or professional lives by identifying barriers that hinder their success or legacy.
This is a new buzz word! How do we then support, nurture, train, and create a safe space for people who want to live a significant life? Once we take care of the self-enterprise (ourselves) then are we able to have a successful and extraordinary journey in everything we are doing and wish to undertake and thereby create a personal legacy.
LifePreneurship is about taking action and making a difference (MAD). It is not just living life, but leading life.
LifePrenuers act as an inspiring change catalyst for people who are seeking better workplaces, learning institutions, communities, and families.
Do you wish to take part and experience the LifePrenuer journey and create your map to guide you?
Join the Tribe and;
- Identify your Big Why
- Connect with your key values
- Gain clarity on your ultimate goal
- Develop a map that inspires you to action